Noticias de SPV

Para Twitter su IPO fue un "error"

Twitter IPO

Son interesantes algunas declaraciones que Dick Costolo está haciendo ahora que está saliendo de su puesto en Twitter, especialmente en lo relacionado a su salida a bolsa lo que es, para casi todo emprendedor, el sueño dorado de su carrera:

“When we took the company public, I had an expectation that the market would evaluate us based on our financial metrics first and foremost,” he said. “I probably would frame the way we were thinking about the future of the company differently, understanding how we were in retrospect evaluated.”

“You always want to keep focused on the long-term vision, yet when you go public you’re on a 90-day cadence and there’s a very public voting machine of the stock price that accelerates that short-term thinking.”

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